Meeting Minutes

September 2024-2025 Meeting Minutes

PTA Meeting September 23, 2024 6:00PM

Nina- Welcome
● Introduction to PTA executive board

Sasha- Robert’s Rule of Law summary

  • ●  Review of June minutes

  • ●  Review of by-laws and year-end review

  • ●  Questions

  • ●  Motion to approve minutes

    o 27approved,0notapproved,1abstained Sonia- Budget review-member donations

    • ●  Snack shop

    • ●  Gift shop

    • ●  Goal to raise 90k

    • ●  Option to propose different fundraisers for the school year

● Budget proposal
o Parent: What is line-item sunshine?
o Sasha-Designated budget for teacher gifts (retirement,parenthood(pregnancy)

o Parent-What is the budget for fundraising for the kindergarten grade.
o Sasha-All grades are equitable in terms of proposed fundraising.
o Ms.Murphy-Trips and activities for each grade are included in budget.
o Sasha-PTA and parents can make suggestions to teachers on trips and activities to the teachers.
o Parent-Are there limitations, what parents pay out of pocket?
o Sasha-Depends on what is raised through the fundraisers. There is an open communication between parents and teachers, and the teachers decide what is done for each grade.
o Parent-Are grades limited to what is in the budget picture day?
o Sasha-Picture Day is 30% commission sales for the PTA, meant for PTA fundraising, etc.
o Sonia-Parents pay fee for pictures, and a portion goes toward the PTA

o Ms.Roberts-is there a $0 balance?
o Sasha-there is a balance of $1,500
o Sonia-bill is overdue, and has been partially paid
o Sasha- bank statement in the rear, June bank statement Is available in July

● Motion to approve budget
o 27approved,0notapproved,0abstained

Principal Rolan- Principal Review

  • ●  Re-introduction to Erica, parent coordinator

  • ●  School yard construction

  • ●  Update on school’s sports team (basketball, soccer

  • ●  Library grant for $1 million

  • ●  Library renovation

o Sasha- parent advocates secured funding for the library
o Parent-do we know when the library will be renovated
o PrincipalRolon-waiting on update. iReady assessment-teachers are left to make decision when to do testing, done 3 times a year to track progress.
o Parent-What sports will be available for younger children?
o PrincipalRolon-We may have activities, but it’ll look different for younger children.
o Sasha-pickleball/racquetball donations for kids. Ms.Zuckerman needs equipment- minimum of 10 paddle and balls

Ms. Robinson- motion to move meeting time.

Ms. Zuckerman- second for an earlier time Nina- Options:

  • ●  Only in person, on 3rd Monday of the month

  • ●  Option to do hybrid or virtual

    o Optiontoelectonspecialdays
    o Primarily to do virtually- 6PM every 3rd Thursday of the month

    Sasha- hybrid Thursday 6:30PM or 7:00PM
    Ms. Z – Can attendees who are online during hybrid meeting the right to vote?
    Nina- No, only in person or 100% virtual, and needs to be updated in our by-laws.
    Ms. Robinson- proposal to be completely virtual (remote), more access for teachers to join Carina- Elections are in person.
    Sasha- to vote we need a 6-parent quorum, 2 executive members present.
    Parent- Proposal to be completely in person
    Ms. Robinson- Open to same time and same day, virtually

Sasha- proposal for hybrid or virtual at 6:30PM, 3rd Thursday of the month
Ms. Z- Opposed to Thursday in person, most classrooms are used for afterschool. Mondays are

more convenient.

Sasha- By-laws should include teachers’ report. Teachers can have motion to add teacher’s report in the by-laws.

Ms. Robinson- Teachers can represent in hybrid.

Ms. Z- Can we change where the meeting is held if there’s a storm, etc.?

Nina- Yes, we’ll provide a 10-day notice.

Sasha- Motion to approve both proposals for either hybrid at 6:30PM, every 3rd Thursday of the month or virtual 6:30PM every 3rd Thursday of the month

  • ●  Hybrid- 28 approved, 0 not approved, 0 abstained

  • ●  Virtual- 7 approved, 0 not approved, 0 abstained

    o Movetovirtualifunforeseeneventswith10days’notice. Carina- Committee for each grade and events

  • ●  Volunteers for specific dates/events

  • ●  Sign-up sheets available for picture day and snack shop

  • ●  Different clipboards available for each committee

    Sasha- Closing Statement, any other questions for the new school year, for the grade committees? Thank you all for coming.

    Meeting adjourned: 7:11PM

October 2024-2025 Meeting Minutes

Executive Board Attendees:

Co-President: Valina, Co-President: Carina, Recording Secretary: Maria, Co- Treasurer: Claudia, VP of Afterschool: Sasha Nina (co-president)- Welcome
Rolon- Principal Review

  • ●  “We had a parent meeting yesterday, our coffee and conversation meeting, which was very well attended. It was great to see a nice turnout of parents there, and some of them are even here tonight. Again, a lot of things were brought up. But one of the most important ones to take away was the reimplementation of the open house thing that we did a couple of years ago. So that's going to happen. It's going to be in the works but basically, the way it's going to work is, parents will be invited to walk the building in the morning. Pop into whatever classrooms they wish. The instruction is going to be ongoing. You can see the teachers in action. You can see the kids in action and afterwards we'll gather down here in the cafeteria for coffee and more conversation and questions, and just be on the lookout for communication to be sent out.”

  • ●  “Our school construction in the schoolyard is behind schedule. It doesn't really impact on us too much, because all the work happens at nights and weekends. The only real issue to us is that piece of the schoolyard that's closed off, it is a little bit of a hazard also, but no one's been hurt. We want to keep it that way, but they also have posted a 24-hour guard there.”

  • ●  “Our Halloween parade next week, that's going to happen on the 31st I believe, 12:45, Erica. So, the kids are going to come into the schoolyard. They're going to parade, do a lap around, grab their candy, and then we send them right back inside.”

  • ●  “I wanted to bring up something that happened with our library funding there was some confusion around that. If you remember a few weeks ago, I posted a picture with the borough President. Now, yeah, I'm sorry, a city councilman, Robert Holden, I thanked him for being instrumental in giving us this funding. So just for context, we had been speaking to the council about doing a library renovation for a few months before he'd been to the school a few times and that newsletter made its way into the hands of the borough president's office. With a complaint about me that I was thanking the wrong person. I've been in contact with the borough president's office and with the city councilman's office and as it turns out, we got 2 awards of $900,000 from each of them. So, our funding is upwards of 1.8 million dollars for this library renovation.”

  • ●  Parent: “You anticipated 9 hundred thousand, now 1.8 million, when can we expect the renovation to be completed and can ‘t it be used towards something else besides the library?”

  • ●  Rolon: “It was granted to us specifically for that project.”

    Valina - Minutes Review of September 23rd meeting

    • ●  “We plan to share the minutes. Online, or do Dojo, we'll figure out apologies for not having made that decision earlier.

    • ●  Here in person, we do have quorum for those who are hybrid. We do have Karina Suarez, and we have Maria Flores and me,

      Valina from the executive board, and we have parents as well. We do have a quorum.”

    • ●  Any questions?

    • ●  Motion to approve minutes

    o 9 approved, 0 not approved, 0 abstained

    Claudia (treasurer)- PTA financial report

    • ●  June performance review

    • ●  August performance budget

    • ●  September performance

    • ●  Valina: “If Tracy could verify. If that's where the income for the Book Fair was put in, or where it was, cause if we did

      it a second year. Now I think that should be a line item because it's not like it. It was at the last minute. Add on, last year's fundraiser wasn't like scheduled like this one was scheduled from June. I think it should be added as a line item.”

    • ●  Ms. Robinson: “I just have a question about the 5th grade expenses because it says, 5th grade dance, DJ, decorations, photo booth, food refreshments, etc. and there's $1,710 and 95 cents. Was that paid out by the PTA because last year we collected dues from each child. It was like $90 which paid for all those things.

    • ●  Sasha: “Decorations, senior breakfast was supported by PTA”

    • ●  Claudia: “I think if we look at it, we could look at the itemized spreadsheet. And if anything, you know we could but

      that was from the Pta. But what we could do. Look at the itemized item, and then I could do a revised one. If you guys must do it specifically, because I think this is just like a default. That category that they had under this 5th grade of dance could have been. So, we could, you know, if you need more detail, we could put it in there and change it up so you could see a more detail exactly what was spent”

    • ●  Tracy “motion for June budget review” 7 approved, 0 not approved, 0 abstained

    • ●  Valina “motion for motion for August budget review” 6 approved, 0 not approved, 0 abstain

    • ●  Valina “motion for motion for September budget review” 8 approved, 0 not approved, 0 abstained

      Valina- President’s Report SLT

      o Improving attendance, any ideas to support parents
      o “That's what we're there for is to provide that as the parent support. You know what I mean. So that's why it's important

      for who's in the SLT to show up”
      o Implementing K through 13, 20-minute center-based reading

      • ▪  help prevent reading challenges

      • ▪  change in math curriculum (testing elementary school)

      o P.S.139 debate team for 4th and 5th grade -communication building, health disagreements
      o Safety- coaching for kids to avoid fractures during lunch, after-school events need to stay in designated areas and every

      child needs to be accompanied by an adult.
      o Bookfair fundraising total sales: $7,626.93, earned $1758.36 for school.

      Ms. Robinson- Teacher’s update
      o Most classes are done with there I ready testing, all classes will be finished by next week.
      o That the information can be shared at parent-teacher conferences on November 7th, also it is a student non-attendance

      o School wellness has been working and planning our 1st school-wide activity to show our colors.
      o The classes are also making scarecrows to decorate the hallways where they're going to trace several children in the

      classroom and then decorate them.
      o I can speak for all the enrichment classes that have completed our 1st unit in New York City's The city has 3 more

      climate action days throughout the school year, which we will also be doing units on
      o Valina- Bylaws need to be updated
      o PTA meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6:00PM.
      o “Do we want to do a survey? Because whoever voted with the it just says it: if I can make that information, but of

      course, majority. So, I'm all about whatever is good for most people”
      o Hokim: sub-committee of parents and teachers (2&2) to craft survey
      o Nina- “move forward with survey committee reports, 5th grade committee work in progress. Suggest a committee in

      o New business- Title 1 Funding o meeting time remains the same

      Kather Zapata (The director of education)- “So I am the Director of Education to Queensborough, President Donovan Richards. And I'm also a nearby resident. Ps. 139. So, it's so great to hear all the amazing things that the school is doing. I'm very excited about that debate team as well as a second English language learner. I know that'd be very important for our families, and I'm very excited to see, you know, the outcome and possibilities that our students have with that opportunity. So, as director of education, I support the borough President and advise him with anything education related as well as supporting our 400 schools. Our borough president does provide capital grants, which is called a resolution, and he does yearly applications and supports principals in applying for different resolution projects when it comes to capital improvements in their building. So, our director's budget couldn't make it tonight. But we do want to acknowledge that Ps. 1, 39 did receive 900,000 from us because of the parent advocacy and the community advocacy we've heard around the last year or so. So. Kudos to you all now there is a bit of oversight when working with your school leadership to clarify more information on. You know how our funding will work, and whether it will be used for the project that we originally allocated for or invested in the infrastructure of your school. We know that there's some other funding that came about. But so, we're working on the nuance of that, and we'll have more to come in the coming weeks or so. But if you have any further questions for me, I will leave my email. I'll stick around for a couple of minutes as well, but very excited to be here to meet all of you, and please always feel free to reach out. We're more than happy to attend one of your events, to have the students of Ps. 139 come, visit Borough Hall and to talk if there's any nuance issues that respective parents have and if our office could be of support. We have so many amazing opportunities, not only for parents, but for community members. We have a constituent services department, and I'm more than happy to refer you all. I will leave my email here in the chat box. But thank you all so much for having me.

      o Valina- Well, it came up when the principal did his report about the 2 $900,000 grants that we received. If there is anything we can move money around to use for something else. And initially the answer he did say, no, but I know that I imagine it has to be with approval from whoever applies for the grant.

      o Katherine Zapata: “Well, I want to be clear. This is a bit different, right? This is money from the borough President that he allocated respectively for your school. So the project we procured that we originally procured. You know it could be used for that, but it would have to be another capital investment. But that's a larger conversation that we have to have with your school leadership. And would ultimately be you know, a deciding factor internally, and then my director Budget can speak more of if we want to have him talk more about that in the future. But that's more of an internal conversation, for sure.”

      o Sasha- “Also the Parent Advisory Board, which is something that you post every month and then the Community Board 6. But we do invite parents to join that parent Advisory Board. We work closely with the borough president's

      office. Community Board 6. They're on there, but it's great It’s a great avenue. Once we meet other like-minded parents that are truly, truly doing the advocacy that they need for their schools and have always been a great support.”

      o Katherine Zapata: “Thank you all. I see Carla has a question. What are the projects that it's being used for? So, the current project is for a media center in a library.”

      Sasha- “Yes, so title one funding is for parents. We do receive money from the Federal Government for title one there is a meeting that does need to take place. These are parents, and families that do fall in those categories of doubled up or low income. We do get Federal dollars. So, there is going to be a meeting that's going to take place. That demonstrates how those Federal dollars will be allocated for the families in need. It's an additional resource for them to understand what's available to them, because I think you know, coming to this country and a lot of parents don't know where to go, what I need, what I'm entitled to. What are the resources? So, title one funding we've been on the list for the past 2 years. And so, what we're trying to finally get is Title 1 committee. It's apart from the PTA and the committee is made up of 2 parents who can hold the committee. The meetings are quarterly, and what we do is ensure that parent engagement for families to get connected with those resources and the avenues to be able to do that. So, we are waiting for when that meeting is going to take place. I don't have a date, but I know that he said that he was working with Chancellors. We'll get a 10-day notice. You do not need to be Title 1 I want to attend the meeting. I encourage all parents to still attend, because you can be able to advocate for a family, or that's in your child's class. This is available to you, reach out to so and so and so. This is just, you know, more knowledge, more power.


      • ●  Picture Day 11/19. Volunteers needed

      • ●  All additional items can be shared on all platforms

      • ●  Meeting Adjourned

        Meeting adjourned 7:35pm

November 2024-2025 Meeting Minutes

 PTA Membership Meeting:11/21/2024
Executive Board Attendees
Co-Presidents: Valina and Carina
Recording Secretary: Maria
Co-Treasurers: Claudia and Jaqueline
VP of Afterschool: Sasha

VM: Hi! Welcome! The meeting has begun, 6:11 is the time. We're an event. Thank you everyone who is
on zoom and being patient. The minutes and budget were emailed. I hope whoever had a chance to
review them did. First, we're going to go over a quick meeting guidance because we didn't do this last
If there's a question that should be answered kind of immediately or a motion,l use the raise your hand
function, then let's put that in the chat to keep the flow of the meeting going.
But 1st let's take a minute to review the minutes. You can simply go back into your email if you're on
Zoom, they were emailed to you.
Any questions on the minutes, any questions via zoom. Put your hand up
Motion to approve the minutes.

Carina: Approve
12 approved; 0 non-approve, 0 abstained

VM: SLT Update: The principal is going to put in a proposal to lower the class sizes for 1st to 3rd grade.
That’s something that they're going to work on. We're going to review, probably the 1st week of December
as part of the SLT and push forward and hope we get it. So that'll be more teachers, more funding
specifically for that.
Currently, 4th and 5th grade, the classes aren't too big. It works better for them and moving forward.
Parent: Is that the one that there's a proposal for the deadline?

VM: We'll be filling 7 teachers and one cluster teacher, so 8 total. His proposal is to include a cluster
teacher. Hopefully, we know by January, and then we can move forward with any changes and notes.
The CEP program will be brought back for the second half of this year, the Tuesday, Thursday after
school program for the ESL children, and as well the title 3 Children doing the Saturday classes. So that'll
be something we start to hear about soon.

VM: So, the Title One meeting didn't have a high turnout. If anybody could make the time on the next
scheduled one is something that's important and mandatory, to have a chairperson. It is not, as far as I
know, a position that is as taxing as other positions that are voluntary.
Parent: Quick question. Is there a way we can push that late time for a little bit later? I know the last one
was at 4:30PM.

VM: I think it was changed for the morning. Erica sent an email.

VM: Let’s try to get more people to attend. That also includes Sonia's coming again. Availability of a PTA
and the principal must help with election. It's like a collective. If that

Sasha: The Title One money. It's probably one of the easiest and most direct ways where you could
influence. I think it's like $3,300 to $3,400. You're just coming up with a game plan and handing it to the
SLT and then the SLT does all the calls and does all the setting up.

VM: And as I've asked a million questions and not everything is clear, and from what I gather is that it's a
living, breathing thing that they're still figuring out up here.

VM: We plan for the future, probably next year, we’ll be to have that person be a part of the SLT. Which is
one of the most important positions you could hold in the school as a volunteer. So that's something else
to consider. But not this year, so you can still do it.

Sasha: If we don't fill those 2 roles, we lose the money that goes back to the State. That's $3,400 that
we're handing back to them.

Sasha: It's money that we don't have to fundraise. It's literally money the State is giving us for our kids.

VM:. Claudia's up next with the financial reports and the Budget Review.

Claudia: Started bank balance of $1,517.28 cents. During the Hispanic Heritage, there was a parent that
donated $50. You'll see that in the first line under member donations. Other fundraiser income from
Scholastic Book Fair. During October we raised $5,556.81 of just cash. Then scholastic gets their part
$3,259.80. So that leaves us with October activity, $1,888.01. On October 17th sold school spirit wear
totaled $359. Those were our income for the month of October, which brought us to 2,297.01.

Claudia: In October during our PTA meeting childcare for $75. Year to date $150. Still waiting for $75 to
be cashed from the September PTA meeting and parent booster membership which helps us to do our

Claudia: Do you have any questions? Anyone.

Barbara Robinson: I'm sorry I have a question.

Barbara Robinson: I was trying to acquaint myself with the bylaws and everything because I want to
make sure that I'm informed. And I was reading the PTA bylaws, and it's suggested in the bylaws that you
do an audit of your finances every couple of years, and I don't know that we've had an internal audit in a
while. So, I was wondering if that was something that we could do this year.

Carina: So yes, that is one of the things that we do want to do. We do have a committee, called the Audit
Committee. That would oversee that. But that's one of the things that we're trying to accomplish. But we
need parents to come in and volunteer to help us do those things.

Barbara Robinson: Okay, so do you need me to make a motion for it. Is it just the parents? Or is it like
parents and teachers?

VM: I think it's just a motion, and it's unbiased. Someone that's not on the PTA, but it could be. Whoever
could be equal teachers and parents.

Carina: Okay, so it could be equal. Teachers and parents.

Barbara Robinson: So, if you'd like, I'll make a motion to set up a committee to do an audit because we
haven't done one in a couple of years.

VM: take a motion to do an audit. It doesn't stop PTA business, right? No.

Sasha: We did it last year, and we did an interim audit and engineer audit to the district. So, we do it every
6 months. The next audit that's coming is in January, so I'm happy for anybody to look at it. But it is done
every 6 months.

VM: You did it in September. You shared it with us last week, but I mean it technically wouldn't be
because we did that right, as our board. So, it's not the audit. According to having people, parents, and
teachers. So that would be a question we would have to ask. Because that's different. That's like closing
the books for the year. Somebody else usually does the audit for you. Second set of eyes. She motioned
to do an audit. I'll second.

VM: In favor of doing the audit, to start the audit committee.
How many in person. 8. And then 2. 0, Barbara, okay, so just Barbara, yeah.
10 approved, 0 not-approve, 0 abstained

VM: All right. So, anyone wants to volunteer to be on the Audit committee. Anyone familiar with any? Or
can that be tabled? So, we have further information: is that something that can be tabled? Or this is
something we must do. Those are little nuances that I don't know. We need to reach out to the parents.
We don't know what it entails and Bylaws for an audit. Do you have a copy? I didn't get it. I didn't get the
binder, and I don't think it would be fair to vote.

VM: Alright, we'll have to send a survey.

Claudia: That was the end of the budget review for October.

VM: So, motion to approve. The October budget second.
15 approved, 0 not approved, 0 abstained

VM: Any updates from 5th grade?

Jacqueline: We still need volunteers. So, you don't have to be a 5th grade parent to volunteer. You just
have to have a moment to share, and that goes with anything in general.

VM: They need some volunteers. They're struggling to get a start so inspiring them well, volunteering,
showing up just like we did for Hispanic heritage. And look, we had a great turnout now. If you see a
volunteer signup sheet for that, they need something with the parents. It's a good day opportunity also to
meet other 5th graders and get a consensus as to what it is that you guys want for this 5th grade class.

Sasha: For things to come into motion, and it takes an army. So, it's a big undertaking. So as many 5th
grade parents as possible. They need help in fundraising.

VM: A 4th grade parent, too. This will be a little learning/ You'll have to be a little bit ahead of the curve.
Anything Ana has already signed up. So, Ana signed up for Krispy Kreme, they'll be selling Krispy Kreme
to all the parents.

VM: There's going to be a restaurant night, and then the proceeds are going to benefit 5th grade, as well
Krispy Kreme is also going to benefit the 5th Grade class. So even though you don't have a 5th grader,
you can help with either dining at shake shack or purchasing some of the donuts so that it can help this
3 graduating class. We must get, let's say, $200 worth of sales to get whatever percentage we're supposed
to get. So that'll be your takeout night. When she sends a flyer, it'll be shared also on Instagram. It varies
from vendor to vendor.

Parent: How does the percentage work?

VM: Well, any fundraising with another name, brand, vendor of any sort varies from vendor to vendor
anywhere from 10% to 20%.

VM: New business is available on the school's website; we have a PTA link. So, going forward with the
help of time and Erica because she updates the website, we’ll have a general place to get all your

VM: Anybody who is savvy is welcomed to bring any ideas or help.

VM: I brought this up last time when we fundraise for something we're technically supposed to say, ‘hey,
we're doing a book for it to fundraise for.’

VM: I know we have cheerleading tryouts and uniforms. That'll be an expense. That is normally paid by
the PTA. If we want to do a winter festival.

Parent: Do we have a date?

VM: Yes, we have a save the date, but we want to do one December 8th
with what we have.

VM: Does somebody want to make a motion to have a winter festival and spend the scholastics money on
the winter festival.

Parent: But are we going to do a holiday shop?

VM: Yes, we do have a holiday shop. It is going to be the 15th to the 20th. The winter concert for the kids
is Monday the 16th

VM: So, we're going to open the holiday shop then, and we're going to pick at least 2 lunchtime days to
do it for the big kids and for the little kids. We must do logistics, scheduling stuff like that. We're going to
open concessions, Miss Hookham said that she will check with Donnie to have the kids leave at the
kindergarten exit. So, we have concessions, and we can set up and do it nicely for the winter concert. And
then during the PTA meetings.

Sasha: we're going to do it as well. We're also going to be doing a fundraiser for throw blankets with the
school logo. We're going to be filling that, and the proceeds will be to help school. The school sports
team. Whether that's cheerleading or anything else. We're going to be sending that soon. We've got
samples here, as far as the design. That's the stage that we're in right now. Thereafter we'll deploy it. We
get a 50% margin so just want to let you guys know we do make a profit

Sasha: And it is important that we at least sell a minimum of 100 blankets, which is doable. We have 600
kids here in the school, and that proceeds. If we make the $1,700 that we're proposing by selling only 100
blankets, we could obviously sell more. That will help fund the uniforms that the cheerleaders need and
anything else for any of the sports teams up and coming. So, we're looking forward to your support.

VM: A 50% margin is fantastic. Sasha knows for sure. What's the cost of the blanket going to be? It's
going to cost $30. We're going to be selling the pro blankets for 30 bucks.

Parent: I have a question, what we should spend the money on like winter.

Parent: Is there a way we can develop a Google form and list things that we have done in the past to see
where the interest is as a parent.

VM: Absolutely. So, then we can decide whoever wants to participate and narrow down where you want
to split the funds, and if we can include on that list, like student of the month, if we can have our own thing
to recognize kids from every grade. Wwe can work collaboratively with the teachers to get a list of
candidates, students in each grade, and maybe create our own categories and make a little ceremony. Is
that not the same as the Soar awards The Soar award is once a year it is by grade

VM: First motion is to make a Google form listing a few ways we can spend fundraising funds.

VM: Does anybody second that motion that she made? Second by Melissa. Anybody? Yes.
15 agreed, 0 not agreed,0 abstained

VM: Any to second the motion for student of the month, per grade, hosted by the PTA sponsored by the
PTA on a monthly basis. But just in general that we're going to do a student of the month.

Parent: I second that.

VM: Everyone in favor for student of the month, we'll decide the logistics. But I think it's a fabulous idea
that they want awards.
17 approved, 1 not approved, 0 abstained

VM: Student of the month, and moving forward. Yes, any other business.

VM: We're also doing it for the 5th grade committee. Oh, yes, the winter concert. So, during the winter
concert we will have the holiday shop open, which you can pay cash or card. They have an app. Also, a
bake sale so bring your money. That's cash only.

VM: if you want to also donate individually wrapped gifts? I know they're first going to prioritize the 5th
grade parents.

Parent: Gummies will be fine.

VM: Yes, pastries, etc.

Parent: So, you know, I'm biased because I'm in kindergarten. I want to know how we do the same kind of

Maria: Senior expenses and activities can be expensive. So that's why there's a major focus on it. So,
they do have a graduation and senior trip that is mostly paid by the PTA.

Parent: So, does anything get offset by the parents?

VM: And it does get costly. So, you know, whatever fundraising we should do to minimize that cost for
parents down for the focus on that. But I mean, if there are suggestions for any kindergarten. We're
always open to that.

Sasha: We leave it to teachers.. And you mentioned that in the last meeting, and how they want to spend
it. Obviously, it's up to you guys, parents. This forum is here to speak, we’re able to fundraise if we want
to do something else. And it costs more. Then parents will send them their money for the great activities.
We use the snapshot money to be able to fund and donate all those great activities.

Sasha: We want to start deploying snackshop. That was another thing that we want to deploy in
December. So, we'll start picking that up. But the snackshop funds all the grades equally so no grade is
left out, there's not that bias between kindergarten, 5th grade, all grades, I have 2nd and 3rd graders.

Parent: Parents have to offset that around the grade, right?

Sasha: Yes, which is where the fundraising comes in.

Parent: Where are you going to get the stuff for the bake sale? Do we have to buy it?

VM: If anybody wants to donate you go to Costco. We'll accept any donations, so. like the box of chips
and stuff like that.

Parent: Can we donate chocolate ice cream?

Sasha:No. We only sell popsicles because of the Nut Allergy. Anything chocolate we try to avoid because
of the nuts. We'll sell it for $2.

Sasha: If you're going to donate ice cream do it on the day of the event due to storage

Parent: How much is it?

VM: Maybe like 50 cents a dollar, or whatever you can buy, like a big stack of it

Sasha: I went to this event this Saturday. In with the family. Empowerment committee. They're the ones
who really push for advocating us knowing our resources. There is an event this Saturday as well with the
USB. To understand what the school budget is, as a parent. There's free childcare, and food. We got
resources for parents..We will be working with the school nurse to do a workshop for parents. Help center
that you guys can go for free whether you have insurance or not. We learned about free trips for our
teachers. To go to. Signed up for workshops. Working to learn the phonics and to teach them. I've built a
good rapport with Christina Melendez and Chanel Lebron.

VM: Any other business? I think we can conclude and close the meeting? Thank you, guys. It was a great
turnout once again.

Meeting adjourned at 7:02PM

January 16, 2025 meeting Minutes

PTA Membership Meeting January 6, 2025 6PM

EB Attendance: VM, CS, SC, AF, JE- CF via zoom

VM: Hi, everyone, thank you for your patience. We had some technical problems getting onto the zoom. Of course, my laptop decided it needed to update to zoom at the last minute.

VM: All right. Welcome, guys. Can you see the slides?

Barbara Robinson: I can see the slides.

VM: see? You have it in your email, I don't know right now I know nothing. And I'm looking forward


VM: 2 parents and 3 p. 4 Pta Board members here. So we have an in-person quorum.


VM-- We are going to go ahead with the Principles Update


VM---: So I'm gonna give him the ipad. Yes, so that


Principal Rolon--- good evening, everybody. Just a couple of quick things. I wanted to go over tonight.


1st of all, I wanted to talk about the class size reduction law.


Principal Rolon--- the law in New York State went into effect to reduce the class sizes. Grades. Kindergarten through 3rd grade are limited to 20 students. Grades 4 to 5 are limited to 25 students. So that's a big reduction from our current kindergarten. The other grades are 32. So it's a big change. The DOE is phasing this in slowly over the next few years.

This year is, they asked us to submit a proposal


To limit as many of our classes as possible to bring them down to the new class size. If the proposal is accepted, then they provide the necessary funding for us to go forward with it. So we submitted our proposal to put in new class sizes in place for grades 1, Principal Rolons Update2, and 3 for next year we were able to find the space to create the necessary classrooms. But it means we're gonna be hiring additional teachers, buying some extra equipment, smart boards, furniture, and so forth.


If the proposal is approved and we get the funding, we'll start working right away to put the plan in place for September. So they're currently reviewing the applications we should hear sometime in March, and then we'll know there. We'll know more at that time what's going to go on, and how this is going to work, and then we'll come back and communicate with everybody and let everybody know.


The other item I wanted to go over is the capital improvement grants for 2,005, 2,000, rather 2,025, 2,026 school year.


So there are 2 separate applications. One is for the city Council, and one is through the borough president's office. We've been working with the City Council application and the folks there for the past year or so, basically working on them to fund us a new cafeteria. So we've kind of been working the back channels on that end. And we put in the official request for that today this morning. So we'll see how that works out. We're very hopeful that we're gonna that they'll come through for us, and we'll have a new cafeteria


Principal Rolon--- put in sometime in the next year or 2, but we'll know more once the application is approved, and again we'll let everybody know when that happens.


Principal Rolon---: the Queensboro President's application is a little bit more complicated. They asked for 3 separate projects


Principal Rolon---: with estimated costs, so we have to submit to them by the end of February, and I wanted to loop everybody in on this decision. So we've generated proposals or estimates from school construction for 3 different projects. There's a gym renovation which involves a new floor, new basketball hoops, benches.

Principal Rolon--- paint, scoreboard lighting, and a sound system in there for 1.2 million dollars.


Principal Rolon--- The schoolyard is a new playground, new equipment, basketball hoops, there tables and repaving the entire space that came in at a real estimate of about 4 million dollars. Or a new auditorium which involves new curtains, the stage, new seats which we sorely need in their flooring tiles, and a sound system as well, and that would come in at around 1.6 million dollars. So what we have to do is we have to put in the request to the Board President's office with all of these 3, but in order of which ones our highest priorities are


Principal Rolon--- so what we did is we created a survey to send out to all of the parents, so everybody can vote on how they want this stuff prioritized, first,second, and 3rd choice. We'll send that out in the next couple of days. We'll tabulate the results and submit the application according to those survey results again, that's not due till the end of February. We don't wanna wait too long with it, so we'll be sending out the survey probably tomorrow and collecting responses and going from there.


Principal Rolon---: That's it that I have for tonight.


Anything, Valina.


VM--- from the Pta we'll send the All type up a letter that this is in conjunction. We all sign it


SC--- because they really like to see that parents wanted this to take place. So as soon as we get the results from the survey, we will also draft a letter to the Queen Borough President's office that this was done in conjunction with the parents and the community, and then we'll get signatures out so that we could share that with the Queen Borough President's office.

SC--- There's also the Resoe Grant. That is the district, Grant. It's $150,000. I think we need to submit it sometime in February as well.


???--- So that's another avenue. So I know it's just capped at 1 50 that capital Grant. So that's another. Maybe the curtains or something like that.


SC--- They also, too, want to see that it's coming from the parents. And so we'll get that from the survey.


VM--- I feel like those are what you mentioned when we briefly chatted earlier, which is why I was so happy that you were making it. So thank you. And then.


VM--- so no one has questions for Principal Rollon, so we'll go ahead, I think.



SC---: did get requests on being able to take pictures with the check that we received. And I think that they were just waiting on the


SC or ROLON--- the dates available from you guys as to when they can come and do the press release to be with you.


SC---They do like a big check in this circumstance, because it's big money. They do a big check.

VM---Oh, my God, that would be cool. Yeah, we invite the parents. Awesome.


SC---: Other things in the media library room, did we? Because I know we got 2 awards. So the funding to the Sba. It's January. So


SC---: I know. When I spoke to them, and we got the 1st 900 he mentioned to engage the families as to what they would like to see in those media rooms. So


VM or SC--- when is that started?

ROLON--- last I got was from the DOE sometime next month.


VM--- like officially in the book, so like they said the check in January, and it's officially in the books. So

VM: alright.I guess the next meeting we've got another one on


VM--- alright good. Any additional questions for the principal, anything in the chat, I think, also the


SC--- perhaps we could also ask for  new desks for the children, because they're like from when I was in school here. So maybe that's something that we could also ask for, at least, maybe starting with the younger grades, and then as we work our way up, but that would be good, that they have a new desk to sit on.


VM--- and review the minutes, you know I know earlier this week. I did ask Erica to upload there the minutes from the


VM--- November meeting since we didn't have a December meeting. So they have been uploaded to the school's website on the Pta link. So just in case you guys forgot, I know we mentioned that last time.


VM: If it's easier to go to the school's website and pull up the link. If it's easier for you guys to read, you can do it that way. I know on the slides.


VM: Any question about the minutes, any question in person.

VM--- Any questions in the in the chat

VM---: motion to approve the November minutes.

VM--- Second, Sasha. Second, 1, 2, 3, 4,

VM--- 5 in person to approve the minutes.

VM--- 7 min 7, but only have the only

VM: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Yeah, okay, I'm sorry. All right. Correction 7 in person. And how many online? Carina?

VM--- One person.

VM--- Anyone not wanting to vote.

VM--- So 2 online to motion for? Yes. Okay. So 7 and 2

VM--- 9 to approve. But how many total any abstaining from voting

VM--- great? So put your hand down if you voted. Yes, now, anyone abstaining from voting?

VM--- I'll give you a moment to put your hand back up if you're abstaining any hands up for abstaining. No, approved. Okay, all right, minutes approved.


VM--- So the principal did already go over the class size.


VM--- I'm gonna go ahead and go over some safety meetings.

Safer access installation continues to be pushed by the DOE.


And now it's looking like spring, which to me, when you do that kind of math on someone in your family that's always late. That means, I'm thinking the summer

We have the relay race for the color challenge tomorrow, if I'm not mistaken, right? Yep.


And then the lunchtime vendors that we've been discussing in SLT, I believe, since. Like June of last year, Mr. Holon was brought up, they started on the second, and, according to Miss Hookim. The OORs did go down a little bit in the lunchtime shenanigans, which is nice. So they're doing organized games and when they have outdoor recess. They're also doing organized play with them outside.

The Safety Town Hall is going to be February 10th. Miss Hookim will send the specifics, and it will be virtual.


VM--- If we had an intruder, they wouldn't know our exact procedures. Certain things that are not shared. Have any questions that you might want to bring up. Details to follow from Mrs. Hookim


VM: We'll have to, I believe, she said at 1PM.


VM--- I told her that she was going to email him to see if he wanted to do something with us at a PTA meeting, or if he wants to come, because he is not safe. What does he do again? Respect for all? Yes.


VM--- November budget.


Jacky-- Good evening. Everybody. Then the November budget.


VM--- We're gonna do November 1st and then December, because we did Miss December's meeting


Jacky---397 that was in spirit wear


VM--- we did have some childcare expenses, $75,


VM--- and then food and beverage hospitality. What was that for? Was that for a picture day?

We didn't spend anything on Hispanic heritage. It was all donated. I didn't spend any money for the Friendsgiving event. That was all completely donated. We had a potluck. And I used supplies I found in the closet.

SC--So that was bagels for picture day.


VM---So that was for pitching. Okay.


VM---So the current checkbook balance, $3,663.09


VM--- The check that I didn't clear from last month happened today. Just now. ($37.50) Due to a lost check. Update: by our treasurer for our next meeting.


VM: So motion to approve November's budget performance.


Barbara Robinson: I have a question. Can we.see the balance? I can't see it right now.

VM: Oh, I'm sorry!


Barbara Robinson: What is? Why does it say current checkbook balance? And then it says, actual checkbook balance and then check for variance.Can you explain that I don't understand that, because there's outstanding checks.


VM: So is that still, the scholastic check didn't clear either.


VM: Oh, okay, Sasha's correct. Let's see what happens if it's still there for December one. I didn't even look at it, to be honest, so we'll see


VM: But we still have an accounting form. We still capture the cost in its respective month. and where you see the variance, it's because of the outstanding check. So, and that's idling on

VM: Motion to approve the November performance. Budget


VM: 1, 2, 3, 4, we should have probably waited for Jackie. She stepped out. Should we wait for her?

VM: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 votes to approve the budget?

VM: Any one online.

VM: So 7, 8, 9, 10,

VM: All right. 10 approve of anyone abstaining from voting 5 online and 7 in person confirmed and abstaining from voting.

VM: one abstaining, one abstaining.


VM: Okay, next, we're going to go over the December performance.

VM: it's the one that says January, slash December. The ones that got updated. It should be saving the drive the same way. 00:32:12.660 --> 00:32:13.829

VM: All right. So here we go. We have the December performance budget to go over. We have, 66, 93. It was a donation

VM: 2,935. It was Festival hundred, 70, 77.


VM: It was for what? The Penguin patch, the Penguin patch.



VM: 12 weeks. Session, $31.


VM: So during the winter concert $457, that was the 5th graders committee Bake sale.


VM: So I just want to point out what we have this open that the holiday


VM: winter festival was completely financed by donations and sponsors.. We shared it on Sasha was the primary hustler on that, and that is how fundraising should happen


VM: Any expenses that we incurred.


VM: Oh, the penguin


VM: was also sold concessions during the winter concert, along with the bake sale we made $177 from the Penguin Patch. -70% to pay back to Penguin patch We keep 30% of sales.

VM- Expenses $220 for the winter festival, because we sold out of pizza and bought more pizza.


VM: bank service fees. New checks were ordered. Liability insurance for 501C


VM: Any questions


VM: And now we have, thanks to the holiday party, we have a nice balance of 65, 32 and 15 cents.


VM: Any questions for the December budget.


Barbara Robinson:Vallina, I guess I just want clarification like I. I think that you know the fact that we made over $3,000 for the winterfest was fabulous,and all of that but I just want clarification as to how we're technically supposed to run fundraisers and things like that.


Barbara Robinson: Make sure going forward. We're doing it properly, according to Chancellor's Regs.


VM: So the way I understand the way I understand


VM: is, if we're not coming out of pocket for fundraising. We can still fundraise, but we cannot spend the money until we asking membership.


VM: So best practices are to ask membership. Yes, but we are not spending any money

VM: when we fund the fundraisers that we have done  primarily have not spent any money. That's where it's like best practices versus regulations, as far as spending money. That's the way I understand it, and I will ask all of you. But I just want to finish my sentence first. 


VM: Best practices would be like, Hey, we're doing the book sale to raise funds for.


VM: and the year activities for all grades motion to approve. And then, if we made $2,000 on the Book fair, that whole $2,000 can be spent for whatever for that. But we did not do that. That has not been happening. Therefore, what we have to do is to ask membership like, okay.


VM: we can use, or how can we use, or can we fund motion to approve and move forward, and which is on some slides later on?


VM: So now I'm going to. And there are some things in the budget.


VM: You know. The budget is a proposed budget of what we hope to happen. Obviously not everything like if you look, our budget is for like


VM: $80,000. Obviously, that's not happening right?


VM: But that's what we hope for. So in the meantime we got to raise funds to do things as they come.


VM: We still have to raise some funds to do something with. So now I want to give Sonya a chance to


VM: let us know or clarify with us at membership. If I'm and the correct understanding.


Sonia Rueda: Good evening, everyone. So I think I want to make sure that I understood the question correctly in terms of fundraising. Miss Robinson. Were you asking what the procedure is for fundraising, or just in general runnings


Sonia Rueda: of any decision that the membership makes.


Barbara Robinson: I'm sorry. Can you repeat that question, my son? Just called.


Sonia Rueda: That's okay. That's okay. I just wanted to make sure that I understood the question. Well, let me just say this, any activity, whether you spend money or not, must go through the membership. So even if you get donations, it still goes through the membership. Right? Yes, we want to do this. We want to do this event. We want to do this fundraiser whether money is being spent or not. And obviously, if money is being used. Then you


Sonia Rueda: absolutely have to include the membership. But the bottom line is you. The members are the one that drives the organization. So you are making all the decisions.


Sonia Rueda: Whether you're donating, whether you're putting in money purchasing or not, the membership is always going to decide. Any events that you're doing.


Sonia Rueda: Did I answer that for both of you?


VM: Yeah.


Barbara Robinson: Yes, I mean, I guess


Barbara Robinson: so. Going forward, even if we do everything by donations, it has to be presented to membership. 1st to say, Hey, we want to have a spring dance.


Sonia Rueda: Correct.


Barbara Robinson: And then pick and then at that time, do you have to specify, like what the funds will be spent on, or.


VM: Otherwise you like that.


Sonia Rueda: I mean, it depends right, if usually you're having the conversation, because you want to know what you're raising funds for, because there is a fundraising activity sheet that must be submitted within the 5 days, stating exactly what the money is being used for


Sonia Rueda: every time you do an activity. And you're going to raise funds.



Sonia Rueda: Let's say I'm donating 5,000 coats for free to the school, to the Pta, and you're selling them. That should be part of your fundraising activity where all the members have decided what you're going to do with those proceeds.


Sonia Rueda: So even if you're getting donations, or let's say you want to do a spring dance, and it's not costing anything the members still have to say. Yes, we want the spring dance or no, we don't want to, and then they vote on it.


VM: Okay. So going forward, we can definitely do that.

VM: But I will say as much


VM: as we wanna go back and forth on this. Nothing will happen if things don't get done. So.


Sonia Rueda: I could. Barely I could barely hear you


Sonia Rueda: list of fundraising activity that we


Sonia Rueda: I can't. I can't really hear you.


VM: Set up on all meetings we can motion to and any parent this is not cause, even last year, beyond.


Sonia Rueda: I could hear you. I couldn't hear you before.


VM: So that's why we'll say it again.


VM: She didn't hear you any parent and any member it, whether it's a Pta


VM: executive board member, parent or teacher can motion.


VM: because it is up to us to vote, to approve and move it forward.


Sonia Rueda: Correct.


VM: So keep that in mind.


Sonia Rueda: Correct.


VM: It's not missing.


Sonia Rueda: Did I answer your question as well? Ms. Robinson.


Barbara Robinson: Yes, thank you.


Sonia Rueda: You're welcome.


VM: Questions come up. We did have it in our budget. We did present it in our minutes last month.


Sonia Rueda: We can't. I


VM: Oh, we did actually.the winter festival.


VM: We did.


VM: It was cheerleading. That wasn't a hundred. It was talked about, but not voted on. But I think winter festivals are something. Anyhow, the minutes are on the school's website


VM: so they can be reviewed by anyone at any time


VM: to double check, but going forward so on that


VM: best practices to have everything in mind. We are going. We have slides with a bunch of proposed fundraisers that the Executive Board has come up with, or who are hopeful to do. That doesn't also mean that because we bring them up in motion, that they will definitely happen. But to avoid these kinds of things, we're trying to cover a lot of bases at once.


VM: All right. You know. What we mentioned that we were going to do is that, yes, we have an approved budget. The stuff is itemized. We review in detail what it is, what we're having and what we're proposing to do. What we want to ensure is that you guys are when we are presenting the budget. If there's anything that you guys don't feel that should move forward again. This is where you guys raise your voices be able to speak up on


VM: What have we itemized here? And then well, from a best business practice on our monthly meetings, we'll be doing a look ahead. To align with the already approved budget. So again, if there's any questions on the budget that has been presented, the expenses that are here. They're they're in much greater detail. And it is approved monthly. But we will


VM: in addition, be able to reinforce or remind parents what has already been approved that way. There is


VM: no questions.


VM: So any additional questions about the December performance budget


VM: motion to approve the December performance budget.


VM: I think but also, wanna just make note just while we have here is that the expenses that are here that you are approving it to move forward as well, so that


VM: We're not limited to. You know what we need to start moving forward with, like the stuff that's already approved. What do you mean exactly


VM: like we're approving what we're gonna move forward with so that we can still go on like so


VM: meaning we're saying that if I'm speaking correctly right. But ask, please. Oh.


VM: I think like when the last meeting was in November, right? So we did. We reviewed a proposed budget for December. We do it every month. Okay, right? And we approved it. So the meeting was approved already.


VM: Right? So no, no. October. So in November's meeting you review October, what was done, what was spent. So I think that's where we were confused so


VM: We're gonna look ahead. We're gonna do it as a look ahead. So okay for October, November, we're going to move forward with planning the winter fast, which means we'll be spending money


VM: and the amount as listed up to that amount. Not necessarily the whole amount motioned to approve, and then move forward. That is what Sasha means, and then you'll see some of my slides expected, for whatever we have coming up, you'll see that coming up on the and the rest of the slides. This is just the actual budget as something of what we'll be kind of doing. There's a rough draft of what it will look like next month to be more


VM: up in accordance with the Chancellor's regulations, and actually be completely clear for the membership.


Sonia Rueda: Vallina.


VM: Any other questions.

Sonia Rueda: Can you hear me? Olina?


Sonia Rueda: Okay.


Barbara Robinson: I hear you, Sonia.


Sonia Rueda: Okay. So no. So then the other thing that I just wanted to add to. And this is just for all the members to know that any number that's given here as a proposal, it's just a proposal. So if you think the number is too low, or you think the number is too high, or you want to revisit that number, that amount. That's something that the members can do. So none of this is set in stone. This is why the Executive Board is reviewing it with you. And they're saying, and it's up


Sonia Rueda: for the members to decide how you want to. You know. Spend your budget because it's ultimately the entire members, money memberships, money just wanted to add that.


Barbara Robinson: All right. I do have one more question.


Barbara Robinson: So we did raise money


Barbara Robinson: in the month of December, right between the winterfest and between what was sold at the winter concert.


Barbara Robinson: Is there a plan for that money.


VM: I have a plan. I have plans on a slide coming up that I plan on proposing. That doesn't mean it goes according to the vote. You could vote for something you could vote for some. But I need to write my stuff down, obviously.


VM: And also I had some teachers come out to me. So there are some stuff. So the money has no plan, because we did not vote on a plan to answer your question, Miss Robinson, but we hope to do that. Yeah. The flyer says it's for general. So to actually put it specifically towards something.


VM: I have some items proposed, not for the whole amount, but for some of it.


VM: So any additional questions, any questions on the expenses currently on the budget, because we're already almost going into February, and we need to move forward. So if there's any questions right now on the budget, please feel free to speak up because a lot of this does come up after things just get executed. So we want to make sure that the numbers here make sense, and that there is no surprises


VM: Well, I will say, personally speaking.We are delayed and haven't fundraised a lot, I think


VM: that it should be. And what's coming up next, and what we vote on.


VM: I'm not gonna say, oh, let's start doing this. That costs that crazy amount of money, and then we don't have money, for example, for to give a little something for kindergarten graduation, or that's how my mind works. So


VM: if you're saying that exactly every single thing here


VM: I can't. I can't even see that. So


VM: questions not. I don't have questions right now in that regard, just


VM: just as a pulse check, I think. Where? What? What


VM: what companies do is re forecast. Because obviously, we're below target


VM: fundraising is re-forecasting this. And the Budget Committee can take place with recommendations on making amendments to the current budget. If that's something that someone wants to take on.


VM: I Have discussed a simplified Budget.


VM: Breaking down the expenses in this regard should be just for people who have an accounting background. But for layman's terms. Hey, we're gonna spend February. We're expected to spend a thousand dollars on a hundred days of school.


VM: But then we sent 50 here. You lost me. I do that at work here. I want it to be simple for all parents.


Sonia Rueda: Sorry you can't do it. You can't do elections at a hybrid meeting.

VM: We have to do an emergency meeting.


Sonia Rueda: You if you're out of balance. Yes, you should do an emergency meeting.


VM: We have Quorum in person.


Sonia Rueda: Is considered still is. Is this a hybrid meeting officially in the Bylaws?

VM: Yes.


Sonia Rueda: Then it's a hybrid meeting. It is  still a hybrid meeting election. The Council's regulations are clear. You cannot have an election during a hybrid meeting.


VM: So that's tabled.


VM: Let's motion to approve. December budget.


D28 28Q139PA: Okay, second, 3.rd


VM: 7 in person.


VM: anybody else?


VM: 3 and per 3. Virtual.


VM: How many total do we have? Virtually 20? Virtual?


VM: 100 Days of School. LY spent $706,according to the spreadsheet. I'd say it could end up being about a less than

VM: on the higher side. So I want a motion for the Pta to fund 100 days of school for the kindergarten, and the 1st grade.


VM: What was spent last year was $706.


VM: But if we do all of kindergarten.


VM: and all of second grade, $46 on 7.


VM: No, that's what was. That's what was done last year. When I asked,I was told kinder. And first,


VM: we have any second grade teachers online that


VM: times 7, it's only $315. No, no one else has come up to me except the kindergarten teacher.


VM: based on last year and based on Sasha, said, we usually fund for 1st and kindergarten. That's what the math is on.

VM: Okay? Well, so we can allocate funds


VM: and order as many of the kits


VM: as we want. I know in regards to kindergarten. They picked a certain kit.


Michelle Zilberzweig: Just to let you know it's Mrs. Wilbersweit that every grade is celebrating the 100th day of school.


VM: Every grade?


VM: Well, only Miss Mcgrath has come, and I did the math that way, because that's how my mind thought.


VM: But I guess maybe to be fair, we could say.


VM: We will fund. And you guys divide a thousand dollars the whole of all the grades.


VM: if that's them being fair, I don't know.


VM: I don't know. I don't know what to do in this circumstance. I'm speaking as a parent.


VM: I don't think so. This is something up for discussion. But we do need to vote on it today to so that


VM: We could give you guys something. Somebody could get something\VM: Yeah, I think it's kindergarten. It's a bigger celebration. So I think it would only


VM: be aware of that, you know, disperse


VM: their 1st 100 days of school. I think that that pop ship for kindergarten should be a little bit bigger, maybe 300, and then the rest should go to the other grades and then school it


VM: $300 for kindergartens.


VM: 100 days of school celebration. The balance of 700 couldn't get distributed to the grades based on


VM: if we could do it by math or 1st come 1st serve by a certain date. I don't know that part. I don't know.


VM: So we can do that, but I suggest at least the minimum. Let's allocate


VM: A thousand dollars sounds like too much.


VM: If we're because it's all 300 and change 300 and change, we'll cover the kits.



VM: So let's say, 400 would cover the kids for 1st and second, for kindergarten and 1st grade.


VM: and we've covered the box of cereals. But I just needed math, so we can get a number approved.


VM: So if we were doing the same thing for everybody.


VM: I know 300 covers that I like when it comes to 3, rd the second, 3, rd 4, th the 5th grade. They don't wanna do the beats, not gonna wanna do that.


VM: So it just has to be so good to eat. And I'm like


 Sasha:1,200 divided by the grades.


VM: This, yes, we have $3,000 in the bank


Last years itemized for 100 days $706 total


reimbursements that were given back to these teachers on slides


VM:. I get motion to approve $800


VM: motion to approve $800 for a hundred days of school.


Barbara Robinson: So it was $800, 3 of.


VM: It's not a lot, but.


Barbara Robinson: It goes to.


VM: All right. 300 for kindergarten, 500 for all the grades.

VM: motion to approve online approving

VM: 3 online course.

VM: Approved 300 for kindergarten, 500 distributed


VM: Does anybody have any objections to the motion? Me, I object.


VM: abstaining from voting anyone abstaining from voting.


VM: How many people are online now?


VM: 20 people.


VM: So, Sonia, what's the math on that when it's a hybrid cause? I don't want this coming back.


Sonia Rueda: So hybrid is fine. You're having the people that are voting that are members online and those that are voting.


Sonia Rueda: I said, the way you're doing the vote for this is fine. You're seeing how many people accept. And but you have to make the proposal official like, what is the proposal on the table? So you let everybody know this is the proposal on the table. And then whoever agrees.


Sonia Rueda: disagrees, doesn't wish to vote.


Sonia Rueda: And that's how you do it. Once you have everybody's opinion, that's it. You're fine. You get the vote online, you get to vote in person.


VM: New lunar New Year celebration.


VM: Motion to spend $170 again this year

VM: You know you could counter-offer. We could go, you know, so just want to be clear.


VM: But so I'm gonna motion. Coming up.


VM: I do wanna make a note, just because we haven't done it for the other holidays. On the Pta. It's what we are doing for Black History month from the school that's on the list, too.



VM: Sorry I'm going in order, of course we asked for Hispanic heritage. We've asked for the holidays and all that stuff. And then. Now come with our New Year. This is the one holiday. So we just want to be very inclusive of our diverse community. So we want the school to also ask us about all the other heritages, so that there's full representation of our community.


VM:Black History month is next up


VM: Lunar New Year!  motion to approve an expenditure of a hundred up to $170

 to the school to help them with their lunar New Year celebration.


VM: So in person we have 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, no. No.


VM: 6 in person. Anybody online.


VM:  7, online.


VM: Anyone abstaining from voting


VM: for approving an expenditure of 100 and up to $170 for lunar New Year.


VM: Melissa's abstaining one parent abstaining in person.


VM: 8. Online 8 are abstaining. Oh, okay, 8. Yes. Online.


VM: Anyone disapprove of this motion or say, no.

VM:Cheerleading and (expense from LY on slide) Who wants to motion to move this forward


VM: Cheer Costs from last year $5,200+ broken down by months

VM: Biggest expense was uniform, -$1,200 and people pay for their own uniforms, per diem teacher rate is  going to go up

VM: For 4th and 5th graders


VM: We did cover a few months last year. And so what we're proposing is just to cover 10-week.


VM: 10 sessions. Instead, at the teacher rate the procession rate of 58, 99. The teachers did get an increase as of January 18th on 2 days but that would allow at least for cheerleading to continue for this year. The session is short because the games do finish at the end of March.


SC: It's after school. They teach the girls the cheers. But the games and the actual cheer do happen during school time in the basketball and soccer game. So what we're proposing is 10 sessions for both Ms. Mcfloy and Miss Goyado, which do run this program, and then this is so that we could still have the cheerleaders for this year. It is cut down, but at least it is doable. So it'd be 589 per teacher. So $1,000 we are looking to fundraise. So we are proposing the throws. What we have right in front of us.


Sasha: We do get a cut. And I think we mentioned this in the November meeting is that we would get a 50% cut from selling the throws. And so then that would supplement the teacher 10 week session.


Barbara Robinson: Sasha, how long is a session? I thought it was 2 h each practice.


VM: Alright. So we would just be so. The fundraising would be the throws at a hundred percent fundraising of the throws to go towards the


VM: approximate $1,200 for the cheerleaders to do the 10 week session with the 2 teachers.


VM: Yeah. And that is also geared because the school does cover sports but they're more Boy geared sports, soccer and basketball. So where we introduce cheerleading is so that there is now, girls have more opportunity in joining any sports here.

VM: really cute next to our regal eagle. So they do a really good job at getting the kids ready for building that school spirit.


VM: all right motion to approve.


Barbara Robinson: I'm sorry I still have another one.


Barbara Robinson: Yes, I do. 2 years ago when we had cheer the children wore, you know, school spirit clothing, you know, like a school, a school shirt, and you know, black leggings, is that something that you would consider doing again? Or are you spending the $1,200 on a cheer uniform?


VM: Dollar is bad only for the per diem. The 10 weeks per deal.


VM: If we are gonna spend money on uniforms again, and we do have to ask for additional funds, besides the $1,200.


VM: So that we're not doing that. Am I confirming that with you the motion is just to fundraise the throws to pay for the $1,200 per diem only for cheerleading for our 4th and 5th grade kids.


VM: It's correct.


Barbara Robinson: It says here the motion to approve the procession rate for each teacher, and fundraising initiative for cheerleading uniforms.


VM: So then I think that's where we have to be specific. No, I mean to motion and the motion


VM: and it's only covering the new girls because of the uniform


VM: for the girls from last gonna still use it the same uniform


VM: It was about $60. A kit, and we're only gonna be using it for 10 kids.


VM: All right. I have a fundraiser for the throw. So motion to approve the fundraiser.


Barbara Robinson: I have another. I have another question. It says here the Pta proposes to cover 10 sessions for both teachers. Sasha said the session was an hour. Is that something new? Because I asked the teachers, and they said last year it was 2 h each session.


VM: This is what we're proposing to publish.


VM: We're proposing to cover 1 h for each teacher.


VM: Okay, at least for the kids that.


D28 28Q139PA: We're open to other proposals. But right now, this motion is for this. Yeah.


Barbara Robinson: I just want to make sure, for the teacher's sake, that you know


Barbara Robinson: that it's clear to them that it's only 10 h like 1 h each week.


VM: So it'll always be communicated back to them on what was approved. But if you have a different proposal, and think that we should do an hour and a half or 2 h. That's what the floor is open for.


Barbara Robinson: Okay, no, I don't have a different proposal. I just wanna make sure that


Sonia Rueda: I'm just gonna suggest, because this will avoid right confusion. Moving forward is that it's, you know, just clear for the record you'll put the per session rating is going to be for 1 HI think that'll just clarify for everyone . just official like before you now put it on the floor right? Because now you're kind of having the conversation.


Sonia Rueda: Ask anybody, do they have any count? Any other proposals? If there's no other proposals. The proposal on the floor is the 1 h.


Sonia Rueda: And I think the question was, Is it for the uniforms, is it not? I can't really hear those of you that are in person, so I can't really hear it. I just don't know if the other members that are virtually can hear it, but you just want to clarify one more time what the official proposal is going to be before everyone votes on it, or abstains, or whatever it is.


Sasha Cruz: All right. So we are making a motion to approve 11 h sessions at the per cession rate of $58.99.


Barbara Robinson: For 2 teachers.


Sonia Rueda: Pictures. And that would be amazing.


Barbara Robinson: Double.


Sonia Rueda: Right. And is it going to be for the purchase of uniforms? Because, remember each fundraising activity that you do.


Sonia Rueda: you must in 5 days do the fundraising activity sheet. So whatever fundraisers you've done in the past, there should be fundraising activity sheets for that, and then this one as well, so it should be specific that you're doing it for


Sonia Rueda: the purchase of new cheerleading uniforms. I think there was a question, are you going to not have it. And again, this is just suggesting, so that it's clarity, I think, as Valina said, moving forward. You want to have that, and then that should match that fundraising activity sheet.


VM: Understood.


Sasha Cruz: So motion to approve.

Barbara Robinson: I'm sorry I still don't understand. So how much are the uniforms? Because I don't know what I'm approving.


VM: To use those roles to fundraise.


VM: But how much is each uniform?


VM: We're old if we happen to have overhead on the throws.


VM: and not only make $1,200 then any additional uniform


VM: that's not being reused that a kid might need. We may ask


VM: for additional funds from that, but right now.


VM: That is not the case.


Barbara Robinson: So this motion is only for the procession. Money.


VM: And to start the funding and to start the fundraising if we're gonna get cheerleading started.Any other questions, any additional questions much until approved.


VM: 1, 2, 3, 7 in person.


VM: How many online?


VM: Anyone abstaining from voting one abstain online.


VM: Anyone against

VM: Cheerleading is approved. Cheerleading is approved


VM: After school activities, me and Sasha sat with someone that is willing to provide at a very inexpensive rate some after school. Karate.


Sasha: Alright. Awesome. So we've been soliciting outside vendors. To be able to bring after school activities. I know. We've had a lot of parents ask that. They want more activities for the lower grades, just because a lot of the after school activities have taken place. Here are for the upper grades. So one of the vendors that we reach out through is breakthrough martial arts. And so


VM: we'll be charging $200 for the after school programs. He will be covering the hourly rate for his employees as well as any materials for the class


VM: and would cover all grades. So we would split the session between K and 2, and then the other sessions. 3rd grade to 5th grade. Obviously, we will collect the money upfront. We will be using the platform where parents can pay either cash check or via credit card and


VM: he will charge us $50 a class for the 10 sessions which if we're charging $10 a class the agent would be $2,000. The expense for the 10 classes would be 500,


VM: And then this is just an example. So if you have 10 kids


VM: at $200 a class would be $2,000. The cost would be 500. It doesn't matter how many kids are in the class for the 10 sessions. It would cost $50 a class. So 500. So in this example, we would need to offer only 10 kids, $1,500. So obviously, more kids participate in our classes.


VM: The more profit. We will need and then this is also other avenues of


VM: fundraising that really helps cover all the great activities. In addition, we did have a few teachers.


VM: with to sign up for possibilities of hosting classes. We did have interest in software as well as scrapbooking. So if there's any other teachers that would like to offer class it's obviously the cheapest rate for us, because as you see here, our teachers know our kids. And it's better for us.


VM: that the classes are held with our teachers. Obviously, where there's the limitation, we will see outside vendors. The cost of these classes will be upfront. And the intention is


VM: to be able to cover any cost for materials ahead of time.


VM: Any questions? I have a question. Are we looking to move forward with getting a start date with Karate officially.


VM: Yeah. So we are hoping to start. The week of February 10th


VM: and that just allows us to be administrative. Get approval. Now, be able to do the setup online, give the class descriptions, the sessions, the amount on which it costs, allow parents to sign up and do want to note that if we do not have at least a minimum of, I said. I think we said, 10 or 12 kids in class, we will have to drop a class


VM: or consolidate if and when there is possible and and we've managed that administrative process in the next 2 weeks. So that's with the tentative date of


VM: February 10th. It will only be 10 a 10 week session, and we can look


VM: just because again, we're kind of late in this game. That it'll only allow right now for 10 sessions. That's $20 a class. And I think that that's kind of reasonable looking at our outside vendors on how much? They're charging anything. A lot of the Karate classes in the neighborhood are charging anywhere from $28 or paying the whole year upfront. This goes back to our kids so that we're able to host all the great activities.

VM:  Any other questions. So I'm just gonna make a motion to proceed with getting everything ready to secure this once we have the administrative things secured.


VM: alright any questions, motion to approve. Second.

VM: 2, 4, 6, 7 in person.6 online, any abstaining.

VM -moving forward with after school program after here, moving forward peers route, we talked about that


VM: 5th grade committee report


5th Grade Committee-. So we have a couple of proposals. But we wanted to update you that we


ended the orders for hoodies on Wednesdays, and we made about 51 orders.


So we completed the purchase on them.

5th grade committee proposals.

Estimated senior dues for $60. Includes the Yearbook, T-shirts and souvenirs.

fundraiser ideas and events.

Last month - bake sale.

Ice creams and snacks to sell in the cafeteria during lunch hours, 3 times a month Krispy Kreme, shake, shack, chipotle and: proposal to sell Miss chocolate bars.

Online fundraising online. Yeah, online fundraising or with per class like, send the bars with the teachers per class,quarter wars.

The other one that we just completed our senior hoodies.: pre-ordered 51 senior hoodies, and that was completed on Wednesday.

So our goal is to cover the cost of the senior dance and the senior breakfast with the proposed fundraisers.

Coming up senior trip. That will be separate.

Upcoming fundraiser that we would like to propose for the 7th of February. It would be like a family Valentine's Day event.: and  to cover that event. We would like to propose, and using the

fundraising earned from the bake sale to be used for this upcoming event.

Motion if anybody would like to approve.

Are there any questions? Oh, do you have any questions?

All right? No questions, no questions. Questions.

Alright. So are you approving $60 for the dues now.

Whatever is not collected will ask. Solicit the parents. For the remaining money to pay for the school trip. Yes.


Second, Derek, and we have 2. Yes, it is online. Okay?

 $60 dues, dues, and then the fund, the proposed fundraisers, and the proposal race. So 7 say yes

5th Grade Committee

: yes, 3 online, yes, any no's.


: And we also have to talk about the yearbook cover. Who?


: All right. Any other votes?


: Questions?

: abstain?


: Alright. So the senior dues are approved at $60 to cover


: yearbook T-shirts and souvenirs. Okay, perfect.



: Motion would be for the Pta to donate 2 nickelodeon universe tickets to the yearbook cover winner.


Sasha Cruz: So you guys want to do a contest for the yearbook like it was last year. Yes, oh, that was actually really good. We allow the kids to design their own cover. So is that something you guys are proposing. We're currently doing that right now. Miss Borges sent out the newsletter for the students to create those designs for the yearbook.


VM: What did they win last year?


Sasha Cruz: Last year we proposed nickelodeon tickets. Because Emma won, I donated it back to the school like I didn't take it. It was done last year for nickelodeon. So you guys are proposing to do it again this year. Yes, okay, perfect.


Barbara Robinson: Sorry. How much are the tickets to the nickelodeon?


Sasha Cruz:  $90 bucks, 80, 79. It's 2 tickets, right? You guys are asking for


Barbara Robinson: Yeah, cause I think that that would have to be approved by general membership. You can't just.


Sasha Cruz: That's what they're trying to motion.

VM:I propose a gift card, a singular gift card.

Sasha Cruz: I don't know. I don't know enough about it. So you are proposing, using what you've raised like the 1 60 that you have raised to cover the contest winner?


Sasha Cruz: That was our option. first right? That was our  first option.


Sasha Cruz: So what's the motion? So they're they're they're motioning, and they want to use the proposed money that they have raised, which would be 160. If you guys agree, then it's $160

Sasha Cruz: It is. Thank you. But then you're gonna go back to parents to ask them for money. This is my, my, the way, I say, and then you'll have the nerve to give somebody $160 for this. But then 3 kids who don't pay senior due, they should get the money. That's just my way of thinking, or I can, you know, left motion. We can revise the price


Sasha Cruz: or Pta conference.


Sasha Cruz: like the committee where you guys have a fundraiser. That's the same goes into Pta, yeah, no, because the money that they're fundraising is specifically for 5th grade. But I say, like Pta from like what we've raised overall, I motion to give $30 towards whatever the 5th grade Committee wants to add



VM I motion for the Pta put $25 of the Pta funds to go towards the 5th grader who wins the yearbook contest. Then, whatever they do with their own fundraisers, they could do. How's that sound?


Sasha Cruz:  Anna put in the question. Anna put in a chat. We're asking the Pta, not the 5th grade committee. Okay? She doesn't want to because we have a line for commendation. So we do have a like.


Sasha Cruz: We do have an accommodation line, but accommodation is what exactly a winner of a contest. Yes, but that's what it is. You can do a contest for other grades right now, but the yearbook covers only for 5th graders, so I feel like that would be fair. Again, I motion $25 to go towards the accommodation.


Sasha Cruz: If anybody has a counter, this is what this is what we're supposed to do. Right? Yeah. The motion right now is, yes, the 20 gift card, whatever. So if they're going to say I'm going to add 50, then you guys do whatever you want. That's what I'm saying. How about? I meant to be more pleasing for kids, because it's a kid that's winning this.


Sasha Cruz: I would propose $50 for a Roblox gift card, and I think every kid would love to be able to participate. And I think that that's reasonable. $50, a robot or target, or whatever. Roblox? Oh, gamestop, gamestop! And they can buy whatever they want, or we just say $50. And what kind of gift card you want



Sasha Cruz: matters, but we have.

Ana Hong: Sorry. I just have a question.



Ana Hong: They have a price for second and 3rd place, or just gonna be only for the 1st place.



Sasha Cruz: Just for 1st place, because it's who's winning the yearbook. I think one book, and there's 1 copy. There are No. 3 covers, just one winner, one selection.



Sasha Cruz: and it suggested a $50 gift card and then ask the winner what they want. Okay, yeah.


Sasha Cruz: Awesome. Okay.


Ana Flores: Sorry I'm sorry to jump in, so we would have to, since the flyer. It did say the 2 nickelodeon tickets. Now we would have to redo the flyer.


Ana Flores: A $50 gift card.


Sasha Cruz: Unless you guys get somebody to donate. That's true.


Sasha Cruz: So I motion for a $25 gift card. I second, I want it to go up 35, or 50,


Sasha Cruz: Need to figure out if it's coming from Pta funds or fish it. If it's 25 or 30 I could. Just, that's fine. Let's vote for the price.



Sasha Cruz: Yeah. So let's go with like from Pta funds.


Sasha Cruz: I would say, February 1st 50.


Ana Flores: I say 50.


Sasha Cruz: 50.


Sonia Rueda: So, ladies, ladies, I'm sorry I got to jump in, so the way it's done officially. When you say motion motion doesn't mean there's motion. And then there's a proposal. Proposal is whatever suggestion you're making. So there's like multiple suggestions. Officially should be.

Whatever the initial proposal was, that was the NICK. That's 1 proposal. So you're making a motion to open up the floor to change it for a gift card. Then that's another. That's a proposal. Then you agree, is everybody okay with having a conversation about that proposal? So then everyone can say, yes, we want to open it up so we can talk about the gift card.



Sonia Rueda: Then with the gift card now it becomes. Do you want it to be for a certain gift card, a different gift card, an amount. But these are all separate proposals, and that's how you should be going. Motion just means motion means we're going to start having a discussion.



Sonia Rueda: Show different proposals are on the table, so that everyone knows. And it's on record what the proposals are, because someone say, a proposal is only the winner only the 1st place. But if someone says, Well, what about second or 3? rd That could be a proposal that someone's making. So it should be able. Do you want that to be a proposal? Then we could put that on the table, you know. So all those things, then become different. Conversation items.


Sonia Rueda:  Understood. So the 1st proposal is the nickelodeon. The second proposal is a $25 gift card.

Sasha Cruz: What other proposals? The 3rd proposal is $50. Okay

Sasha Cruz: is there anybody else that has a different proposal?


Sasha Cruz: I'd say, oh, so we have 3 proposals right now.


Sasha Cruz: is anybody online have a separate proposal?


Sasha Cruz: All right. So those are the 3 proposals..


Sonia Rueda:Correct. Who wants to vote for this one who wants to vote for this one who wants to vote for this one.


Sasha Cruz: So the nickelodeon is one proposal. The $25 is a different proposal, and the 50 is the 3rd proposal. So I'm going to put it on and it would come out of


Sasha Cruz: that was my question, and where does the $25 come from? Where does the $50 come from? Comes? All of it comes from the Pta


Sasha Cruz: correct? Yes, that was the discussion.


Sasha Cruz: 3 proposals that come out


Claudia Felix: Sasha. We do the nickelodeon because you're donating it. No money will be taken out of the Ptr. Right? Because you're donating these 2


Claudia Felix: 2 tickets.

Claudia Felix: Correct.

Sasha Cruz: What was the question. If  somebody wants to donate the tickets.

Claudia Felix: You donated the 2 nickelodeon universal tickets right.

Sasha Cruz: No, we can ask to get it donated, but we don't have it.

Claudia Felix: Okay.

Sasha Cruz: 10 min mark. So we're just going to be able to move this forward. And we're going to put it out on the table with the 3 proposals. So the 1st proposal to be able to move with the 2 nickelodeon tickets at $160 coming out of the Pta Budget motion to approve. And it's just again all 3 proposals coming out of the Pta budget. Just want to make that very clear.


Sasha Cruz: So the 1st proposal that was out there is to cover the 2 tickets to nickelodeon.


Sasha Cruz: All right, if you say yes, please put it on the chat.


Sasha Cruz: Next, just to be clear, we have 3 different words. So yes, nickelodeon.


Sasha Cruz: not one ticket. We need to get 2.


Sasha Cruz: So yes, on nickelodeon.


Sasha Cruz: So yes, on nickelodeon.


Sasha Cruz: Yes.


Sasha Cruz: Is that that's okay. You don't have to. Alright. 1, 2, 3, 4.


Sasha Cruz: Yes, no, I'm saying yes for Nicola. Yes, yes, please.


Sasha Cruz: Manufacturing.


Sasha Cruz: Well, 4 online, right? And you have. Yeah, are you saying? Yes? Well, 2 yeses. Here, 7, 3 yeses. So 7 yeses. Anna's. Yes.


Sasha Cruz: So 8. All right. No.


Sasha Cruz: 3, no outside. So what online?


Sasha Cruz: Alright, that's an abstain.


Sasha Cruz: All right. So you have 7 yeses on nickelodeon.


Sasha Cruz: All right. Second proposal is $25 gift card

Sasha Cruz: raise. Say, yes on from the Pta. No, it's separate. It's just the 3 differences. So all right, I'll vote yes, for that one. So just yes. If if you vote for the $25


Sasha Cruz: online, let's see.


Sasha Cruz: Alright, put no on the chat. If you do, you do not approve.


Sasha Cruz: No, because it's different proposals. That's okay. No, I would say.


Sasha Cruz: no, no, no, no, no, absolutely.


Sonia Rueda: If you already voted. Yes, you don't have to put. No, you already voted. Yes, we know it's yes. So people that are saying yes, are now putting. No, no. Once you voted. Yes, you don't have to vote again.


Sasha Cruz: Okay, awesome, alright. And so that's 3 yeses for the 25. Now the proposal for the 50,


Sasha Cruz: please put yes, on the chat for 50 if you already voted like. Sonia says we don't have to vote again.


Sasha Cruz: Nice?


Sasha Cruz: All right. There's no yes’s. Anyone abstained?.


Sasha Cruz: And now you want to abstain, so we will. We have an approval to move forward with the 2 tickets to Nickelodeon for $160 out of the Pta Fund.

Alright. Great anything else. From the 5th Grade Committee coming up

5th Grade Committee


We want to propose the February 7th family event for Valentine's Day.


: Valentine's Day party invites all the graders to participate to help the 5th Grader community


VM: All right. So are there any questions like, how is all the funds going to 5th grade that's collected? What is the entrance? Our goal with this coming up event is to cover part of the senior trip, senior breakfast and Senior Dance.


:  Any questions about moving forward with this event.


Sasha Cruz: I don't know right now. We didn't move forward with fundraising for other things. I wanted to get approved so that we're by the book.

VM: Is this money only going towards 5th grade?


 So that's why we can propose. I propose a good share.


Sasha Cruz: I mean, I think, what a propose you guys are proposing. All of it's going into 5th grade. So perhaps because if we're not gonna get other fundraising things approved on the next slide. We have to literally leave the building. Then


Sasha Cruz: then it has to be shared. If we need money.


Sasha Cruz: We need money to play one night. I know we do have the entry entries to go like the entries to go. You could split it 30/70. That's my proposal. 30/70


Sasha Cruz: under the younger kids and working for.


Sasha Cruz: So I'm sorry. Guys. What do you say? I'll go with the majority. There.


Ana Flores: When what is being proposed?


Sasha Cruz: Proposes that?  70/30, 70 is going to all the other grades, and only 30% of what you say, opposite 70% 5th grade data planning the event was just a proposal. And then 30% kick back to the Pta for using the stuff we already have in the club.


Ana Flores: I thought, we are doing candy grams, and that's going back to the Pta. I thought this was 5th grade.

Sasha Cruz: To get that approved, so we can't do it if we don't act. Get me forward.


Sasha Cruz: We had so many things since nothing happened last month. So anyhow, I mean.


Ana Flores: Okay? So it's so this is becoming the February 7th event is becoming a Pta and 5th grade committee.


Sasha Cruz: No, actually, that's a proposal. That's a proposal. It's not. Nobody voted. So I'm just. I'm just saying

Sasha Cruz: I didn't get any of my, we actually have to adjourn the meeting just because our permit is only till 8 8 o'clock. So we didn't actually have any motions to approve this.


Sasha Cruz: I know we do have to talk to approve it really quick,


Sasha Cruz: Have you on motion to approve. You already know.

Sasha Cruz: So somebody. Second


Sasha Cruz: So we'll second check the votes you signed out of your phone already. Alright. Cs, yes, yes.

Sasha Cruz:  Any abstain No. So you guys are moving forward with it. So you have 7 yeses. So it's moving forward with 5th grade. The next thing is candy. Grant motion to approve candy, Grant, and this is, we'll still collect upfront money to be able to

Sasha Cruz: Candy grams for Valentine's any questions on that.

Sasha Cruz: All right. Motion to approve.

Sasha Cruz: Yes, 3, 3, 4 I second. So candy grams. What's the next fundraising?


VM: We want to move forward with doing something for black history month.

 but some of the things cost like $400, and I motion to get at minimum. Maybe if I don't get something for free at least $400 to spend towards black history. Month.


Approved second. So 7 in person. 7 approved. 7 approved yes, online for $400 for all right. So Black History approved Candy. Graham's approved. Anything else, that's all for now.


Sasha Cruz: Fundraising. We want to do a movie night.


We want to possibly start a snack shop and a winter shop motion to approve these fundraisers.

Sasha Cruz: So 7 approved 7 approved.


7:57pm Adjourned