Special Subjects
Technology/Computer Science - Ms. Buckley
Technology at PS139Q takes place in a Macbook lab. Students in various grades learn to use the MacOS interface to participate in technology activities and projects.
Grade 5 begins the year by making dynamic presentations using Mac's Keynote program. The students begin by creating unique avatars and then make them "magically float" from one slide to the next using Keynote's special feature called "magic move." Students add Creative Commons-licensed images and music and then export their presentations as movie files.
Grade 4 starts off the year exploring the importance of digital citizenship and copyright as it applies to online media. Using Inkscape's graphic program, students create original 2D artwork as they expertly learn to master the vast selection of drawing tools this program offers. Students learn how to change the file format of their images and in the end, apply a Creative Common license of their choice that tells others how they can use their work legally.
Grade 3 students are starting the year using Microsoft Word. They will be creating newsletters about them themselves. Skills covered include changing case, aligning text, using bullets and numbering, adding text boxes, and using keyboard shortcuts. Along the way, they are also learning how to edit and save files, recognize user interface features, perform a spell check, and use the thesaurus.
Grade 2 students will be starting the year practicing keyboarding skills. Using Typing.com Opens in a new browser tab the students will become familiar with the letter keys and the three-row QWERTY keyboard layout, the Shift key, and basic punctuation marks (. , ? '). Repeated practice builds muscle memory and improves confidence.
Grade 1 students begin by getting familiar and comfortable with procedures and basic desktop computer skills such as logging in and out and using trackpad gestures to navigate the interface. Students will then learn how to access Portaportal to select links to various online activities.
Keep you eye out for more updates on our progress! See our Gallery for some great project!
Art - Ms. Hadoulis
Visual Arts Newsletter- Welcome to ART!
Kindergarten students have been learning all about lines: straight, zig zag, wavy, dotted, dashed, curly, swirly, castle, just to name a few! Students used watercolor pencils and were amazed to see that when they added water, the colors spread across the paper.
First graders learned about Russian artist Wassily Kandinsky and abstract art. They created their own masterpieces using colors, shapes, and lines.
Second graders were introduced to artist Paul Klee. They listened to the story, “The Cat and the Bird,” inspired by Klee and then they recreated his famous Cat and Bird painting that depicts the wide face of a cat with a small bird perched on its forehead.
Third graders created Amante bark pictures. This Mexican folk art was created by the indigenous people of Mexico and the brightly colored scenes depict the perfect blend of culture and nature. Students watched a video of this ancient tradition of paper making and then students chose their own picture to create, being sure to incorporate a nature theme.
Fourth graders started learning about American artist Keith Haring. His animated imagery has become a widely recognized visual language and students are having fun drawing in his art style.
Fifth graders are diving into delicious desserts with artist Wayne Thiebaud. He is best known for his paintings of cakes, pies, and candies. Students will learn about value, the lightness or darkness of color. Stay tuned for their mouth-watering masterpieces!
Physical Education - Ms. Zuckerman
Music - Ms. Wilkie
My name is Ms. Wilkie and I am excited to be the new music teacher at P.S. 139. Music is all around us, and it is my goal to help the students understand, appreciate, and create music. Music has been an integral and inspiring part of my life, and I hope to instill a love for music in our students.
To begin the year, we have been studying basic musical concepts through the lens of Hispanic Heritage Month. The younger students are learning the importance of the steady beat, using our four voices (speaking, whispering, shouting, and singing) and moving their bodies to the music. The older students have been reviewing the basics of not just steady beat, but also beat vs. rhythm, vocal exploration, and beginning instrumental notation.
As the year progresses, students in grades 4 and 5 will be eligible to sing in our Glee Club. Students in grades 3 and 4 will learn the recorder. I also have some projects in the works to bring more ways to make music into our school.
Social Studies - Mrs. Robinson
Students will be exposed to lessons that follow the New York City Scope and Sequence for Social Studies. The program or school uses is the NYCDOE's Passport to Social Studies. Each grade has 4-5 units. Kindergarten studies self and others. First grade focuses on families. Second Grade learns about communities. Third grade is exposed to communities around the world. Fourth grade studies New York State and Local History and fifth grade learns about the Western Hemisphere. Each grade will also complete a unit on Civics For All.
A Message from the ENL Team - Ms. Tabassum, Mrs. Ravnic, and Mrs. McPhoy
This month we took time to work with our multilingual learners to welcome them to our school and get to know a little bit about themselves and their families. In the lower grades, we are working on our letter sounds and speaking in complete sentences. In the upper grades, we are working on building comprehension through academic vocabulary and writing. We have lots of fun learning to come and can't wait to share more!